The most comprehensive Star Trek podcast ever produced. Serious about Trek. But not too serious.
Star Trek: Discovery Episodes 371 - ???, June 2018 - present In the past of the future, Cadet Tilly exists. She is perfect. Also appearing: Michael Burnham, Saru, Captain Lorca and “Ash Tyler,” the “fire wolf.” Black alert!
Star Trek: Enterprise Episodes 322 - 370, June 2017 - June 2018 The adventures of Trained Diplomat Jonathan “Guantanamo” Archer, Charles “Trip” Tucker, III and the other idiots aboard a ship that was better than any of the other ones and did everything before they did.
Star Trek: Voyager Episodes 237 - 321, August 2015 - June 2017 Kate Janeway, Seven of Nine and Naomi Wildman explore the distant reaches of the Delta Quadrant. Other characters also appear, we guess?
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Episodes 148 - 235, October 2013 - August 2015 Angry Space Dad Ben “Emissary” Sisko takes command of a former Cardassian space station and, in the process, brings us the best Star Trek series.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes 53 - 147, October 2011 - October 2013 JL Picard learns to laugh and love while commanding what is essentially the most advanced fire truck ever created. Includes the series and movies.
Star Trek Episodes 1 - 52, September 2010 - October 2011 Captain J. Tiberius K. explores the galaxy with his best friend, his other best friend and a massive crew of support staff. Includes the original series and movies, the animated series and the reboot movies.
Supplementals April 2011 - present Between seasons, the Post Atomic Horror podcast pauses to discuss what they've seen so far and answer listener mail.
Bonus material Artwork and original songs from listeners! Photos of the PAH crew! Probably other things!
About the show Learn more about the Post Atomic Horror podcast and its regular contributors. Includes a cross-referenced list of guest appearances!
Store Merchandise relating to the Post Atomic Horror podcast, including our two episode guides, t-shirts, stickers and more!
Old site Visit our original Wordpress-based website, if that's something you prefer!